Cyprus Music Therapy Association

"Music gives soul to the universe and wings to the mind"



The Cyprus Music Therapy Association was established in December 2010 and became a member of EMTC in 2011. The Board of Directors worked for several years to achieve legislative regulation of the music therapy profession in Cyprus, which was accomplished in May 2022. After numerous procedures, in 2024 the registry of registered music therapists was created, while simultaneously the Association was established, as provided by law (N.68(I)/2022).

The Association of Registered Music Therapists:

(a) Promotes and protects the prestige of the music therapist profession;

(b) establishes committees for the better execution of its responsibilities;

(c) ensures the advancement and improvement of the quality level of music therapy services offered in the Republic;

(d) handles matters of ethics and examines and submits suggestions regarding the current legislation in relation to the music therapist profession;

(e) manages the Association's assets;

(f) issues Association membership identification


The main goals of the Cyprus Music Therapy Association are:

To safeguard the rights of the persons who need and utilize music therapy services.

To co-operate with other organized music therapy groups from abroad, as well as other organizations in Cyprus and abroad aiming towards a better promotion of the Association’s goals.

To inform and educate the public, as well as private and public organizations regarding music therapy.

To make suggestions towards state legislation governing the registration of music therapists and other relevant issues.